University of California San Diego, Department of Physics
Fall 2009 Physics 218A

Lecture Notes

Thermal Equilibrium Plasma I - posted 24 September

Vlasov Waves - posted 6 October

Test Particle Model I - posted 13 October

Test Particle Model II - posted 13 October

Overview of Kinetic Equations - posted 14 October

Collision Theory and Rosenbluth Potentials - posted 14 October

Text on Test Particle Model and Lenard-Balescu Equation - posted 19 October

Waves and Instabilities I - posted 12 November

Quasilinear Theory - posted 12 November


Theory of Fluctuations in Plasmas Oberman and Williams

Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of Chapter 2 - forthcoming book by P.H. Diamond, S.-I. Itoh and K. Itoh

Collisional Transport in Plasma - Fred L. Hinton

Supplemental Notes on Wave Kinetics I

Supplemental Notes on Wave Kinetics II

Chapter 2 - forthcoming book by P.H. Diamond, S.-I. Itoh and K. Itoh

Chapter 3 - forthcoming book by P.H. Diamond, S.-I. Itoh and K. Itoh

Physics 210B Background Notes

Section 1: Kinetic Theory of Relaxation and Transport

Section 2: Theory of Fluctuations and Diffusive Random Walks

Section 3: Kinetic Equations I: Fokker-Planck Theory and Applications

Section 4: Kinetic Equations II: Theory of the Master Equation and Applications

Section 5: Kinetic Equations III: Projecction Operator and Zwanzig-Mori Theory, with Applications to Slow Modes and Long-Time Tails

Section 6: Introduction to the Theory of First Order Phase Transitions (Special Topics)