University of California San Diego, Department of Physics
Fall 2007 Physics 1B

The final course grades for Physics 1B are available on the Physics 1B
website as a PDF file under "Exam Grades".

Also shown in the PDF file is the curve for Physics 1B.

The formula for your final grade is given in the syllabus as

60% from your 3 highest quiz scores
40% from your Final Exam
5% from your Extra Credit from Homework assignments
105% total.

This year's class did better on the whole than any of the previous 2 years'
classes, so congratulations! The average for 2007 Physics 1B was a full
letter grade higher than in previous years. This year, as can be seen on the
histogram on the final grade PDF file, the most common grade was an A!

I have also given a correlation analysis between the grades you got on
Homework vs. your final grade for the course. In broad terms, it appears
that those who got approximately 50% credit, or better, on the Homework
achieved a grade of B+ or higher. This is the first quarter, to my
knowledge, that homework was graded by any means in Physics 1B; in our case
via Clickers. While in some sense this makes you "test subjects", again, you
all did approximately one full letter grade higher than the previous 2 years
and I hope it will help you retain the Physics 1B material for years to

The grades for 1B can *only* be changed in cases of a clerical error.
Despite its simple appearance, the curve took a great deal of thought to
devise. So, for example, if you achieved a grade of 80.4 there is no way to
change your grade to a B+ from a B.

If, however, after calculating your final course grade, using your grades on
the 1B website, according to the formula in the syllabus (or above) you find
a numerical error, then please contact me immediately. Please check your
calculations carefully before contacting me and remember that your grade
*could* also, potentially, be lowered due to a grading error "in your
favor". That is, you could bring to my attention that I gave you too many
points. In such cases I would be obligated to lower your grade.

Thank you for a great quarter. Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday



The last 3 HW problem answers, which were not collected last Wednesday in class will be collected for extra credit on the final exam.

The 3 Homework problems are: problems 5, 25, 34 in chapter 20.

Answering the 3 questions on the final is optional, but will count towards the 5% Maximum extra credit available to you this quarter, along with the other homework problems given throughout the quarter.



Since extra credit is important there will be 3 opportunities to turn in your final Homework which was not collected in class on Wednesday. You can choose one of the following options.

Bring your clickers to:

1. Quiz 4 on Friday - after the quiz at 10:50am we will let you turn in your HWwith your clicker

2. you can also bring your clicker to either of the last 2 problem sessions this Thursday or

3. bring your clicker to next Thursday's problem session.

Problem session time and location are both listed in the class syllabus on the 1B website.



Chapter 21 in the Textbook will NOT be covered in class or on the last quiz or final exam.

This and some other issues related to the last quiz and final exam will be discussed on Monday 12/3 in class, so please make sure to attend.



1] the 4th quiz [last one of the quarter] is *next* Friday December 7, 2007 (not this Friday November 30 as incorrectly mentioned in class)

2] the Final Exam for Physics 1B is Friday December 14, 2007 from 8:00-11:00 AM in WLH 2005.

As usual, the syllabus takes precedence over any other announcement.



All Homework problems are listed in the Syllabus. Solutions to all assigned
HW problems for Ch 15 are now posted on the web under "Homework Solutions".

The first quiz is this Friday 10/12 from 10:00 to 10:50am.

The first Problem Session is in Center Hall on Thursday 10/11 7-8:50pm in
Center Hall Room 212 (starting 10/11)

There will be no make-up quizzes. If you miss a quiz you can use this as
the one to drop.

There was a small typo in the Syllabus [wrong start date of Problem
Sessions]. It has been corrected in Syllabus.2 on the 1B website.

Clickers will be used to answer homework problems in class on Fridays [when
there are no quizzes that week] and Wednesdays [when there are quizzes that
week - as we did this week].

SCANTRONS AND PENCILS: You must purchase your own Scantron forms for
quizzes. They are available at the Bookstore (no. X-101864-PAR) and the
general store co-op. You will need a No. 2 pencil to fill in the Scantron.
You will be allowed to use a simple scientific calculator for all of the
quizzes and the final, but no laptops or cell-phones. You may bring in ONE
8.5" x 11" sheet of paper, front and back, with notes on it.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Please read "UC Policy on Integrity of Scholarship" in
the UCSD General Catalog. The Policy regarding Academic Dishonesty will be
rigorously enforced. In Ph 1B cheating includes submitting another person's
work as your own for grade consideration, copying from another student on
assignments, quizzes or the final exam or knowingly allowing another student
to copy from you. Cheating also includes the use of any unauthorized
materials in a quiz or exam. You may use calculators, but no cell phones.
For example, if your cell phone rings during the quiz you will be given an
"F". Any confirmed case of cheating will result in an "F" grade in Physics
1B and referral to the dean for disciplinary action.

This page last updated 12/19/2007 23:09:53