University of California San Diego, Department of Physics
Spring 2009 Physics 198/298
Seminar Handouts

Supplementary Materials

D. Meade, "50 Years of Fusion Research" - overview of history of tokamak development

F. Wagner, "ITER Confinement Physics"

F. Wagner, "25 Years of H-Mode Research"

F. Wagner, "A quarter-century of H-mode studies"

F. Wagner, "The Physics Basis of ITER Confinement"

K.H. Burrell, "Effects of the E x B velocity shear and magnetic shear on turbulence and transport in magnetic confinement devices"

J.W. Connor and H.R. Wilson, "Survey of theories of anomalous transport"

A.J. Brizard and T.S. Hahm, "Foundations of nonlinear gyrokinetic theory">

E.A. Frieman and Liu Chen, "Nonlinear gyrokinetic equations for low-frequency electromagnetic waves in general plasma equilibria"

Itoh, Itoh, Fukuyama, "Transport and Structural Formation in Plasmas", Ch.5, Ch.6

B.B. Kadomtsev, "Tokamak Plasma: A Complex Physical System"

W.M. Tang, "Microinstability Theory in Tokamaks" - mode structure

K.V. Roberts and J.B. Taylor, "Gravitational Resistive Instability of an Incompressible Plasma in a Sheared Magnetic Field" - mode structure

J.W. Connor, E.J. Hastie and J.B. Taylor, "Shear, Periodicity, and Plasma Ballooning Modes" - mode structure