Lectures: Tu - Th , 11-12:20, York 2722, and Monday Jan. 4th, Peter 108.
Quizzes: M, 7-7:50 pm, Peter 108.
Discussion: W, 7-7:50, York 2722
Problems: F, 7-8:50pm, York 2722
Course Text: Wolfson and Pasachoff, Physics for Scientists and Engineers Vol. II , Custom Edition for UCSD.
Course Description: See General Catalog
Final Exam: Thursday March 18th, 11:30-2:29, York 2722
Instructor: Jorge Hirsch, 5310 Mayer Hall, Ext. 4-3931, e-mail: jhirsch@ucsd.edu
Office Hours: F 10:15-12:15 (note change, used to be 10-12)
Teaching Assistant:Aris Alexandradinata, Mayer Hall MH 5314, email: aris@physics.ucsd.edu
Office Hours: Mon 1-2 and Thu 2:30-3:30