University of California San Diego, Department of Physics
Fall 2010 Physics 1B
Physics 1B

Lecture Times: 09:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m., Tues. and Thur.
Lecture Location: 2722 York Hall

Problem Sessions: Mondays, 6:00-7:50 p.m., in 2005 Warren Lecture Hall

INSTRUCTOR:                           Alex Markowitz  (almarkowitz_at_ucsd_dot_edu)

                                                      Office:  412 SERF

                                                      Phone:  534-8016 

                                                      Office Hours:  Mon 11:30-12:30 and Thur 11:30-12:30


TEACHING ASSISTANT:           Grigor Aslanyan (aslanyan_at_physics_dot_ucsd_dot_edu)

                                                      Office: 4514 MHA

                                                      Phone:  534-4071 

                                                      Office Hours: Mon 2-3 and Thur 2-3


12/13/2010: Final exam grades and final course grades are now posted; please click the "Quiz Grades" link above for both.

The mean for the final exam was 25.9/40 (64.8%) with a standard deviation of 5.7/40 (14.3%). Regardless of your performance on the final exam, you should download and review the solutions, available at the "Quiz Solutions" link above!

For course grades, the mean for the course was 64.9% with a standard deviation of 13.8%.

At any rate, we hope you all had as much fun taking the course as we did teaching it, and we hope the material you learned will be useful to you in both your academic/professional and personal paths.

Best wishes,
Alex and Grigor

12/9/2010: So... that was the final exam. We will try to get the scantrons graded and all the final exam and course grades calculated and posted as soon as we can. Don't forget to check the solutions to the final exam, which we'll post on approx. Monday!

12/3/2010: Update: A review session has been scheduled for next Tuesday, December 7, from 3 to 5 pm (we were only able to get a single 2-hour block scheduled). It will be in 119 Center Hall. We will try to have the first hour focused on reviewing chapter 23 material/homework problems, like in the discussion sections. The second hour will be dedicated to questions pertaining to the entire course material; we can use that time to go over the practice questions.

29 practice exam problems (.pdf): problems (solutions omitted); problems (with solutions) (note added 12/8, 12:57: the solution to no. 19.3 had a typo corrected: theta should be 0, not 90, degress.)

11/30/2010: Announcement 1/4: Reminder: the Final Exam is Thursday morning, Dec 9, 8-11 a.m., in 2722 York Hall. You must bring: Photo ID (e.g., UCSD I.D., driver's license, credit card w/ photo), Scantron (same form as before, the half-sheet red, 101864 PAR) + pencils, Scientific Calculator, Three 3'x5' cards on which to write equations (I recommend taping/stapling them together) If you neglect to bring your photo ID, you will have until 11:00 to go home, get your ID, and return to the final exam so we can verify your identify. There will be at least 2 problems repeated from the quizzes and at least 2 problems taken directly from the extra practice problems (see below).

11/30/2010: Announcement 2/4: We'll hold two Review Sessions: One to review chapter 23 material, and one to review material for the entire course (plus practice problems: see below). Location/Time TBD: Likely 12/6 or 12/7. I'll post an announcement on the main web page as soon as the time/location are confirmed.

11/30/2010: Announcement 3/4: I'll make available some additonal Practice Problems -- I'll post them here approximately 12/3.

11/30/2010: Announcement 4/4: Next week, Grigor and I will each hold office hours as normal on Monday 12/6, but we will each move our Thursday 12/9 office hours to Wednesday 12/8 (AM: 11:30-12:30; GA: 2:00-3:00)

11/23/2010: Recommendation: This week, try to find time to do as many homework problems from chapter 22 as you can. We dive into chapter 23 starting 11/30, and there are a lot of assigned homework problems from that chapter to deal with next week. Also, the final exam on 12/9 is cumulative, so start reviewing material from chapters 19-22 and from the first four quizzes.

11/22/2010, 16:35: Notes for 11/16 lecture are re-done (yet again) with new figures for torque on a current loop -- that's what had confused me: the "a" and "b" were swapped in the figure in the new textbook compared to the old one... -- AGM

11/22/2010: A reminder, since I've been getting emails inquiring about letter grades: The course grades are curved, and I will not assign letter grades until after the final course grades are computed and their final distribution is examined. While the mean will likely be close to a B/B-, other letter grades will depend on the (to-be-determined) distribution. The weighted mean of the four quizzes so far is about 64% (the course mean thus MAY be in this range, too, but of course we can't predict the future), and you can use the grading scheme on the syllabus to estimate how you are doing so far (lowest quiz grade = 9%, other 3 quizzes = 18% each, final exam = 37%). -- AGM

11/20/2010: Solutions to Quiz 4 are now posted; click the 'Quiz Solutions' link above.

11/19/2010: Grades for Quiz 4 are now posted; click the 'Quiz grades' link above.

11/18/2010: Please see lecture notes link for corrections re: torque on a current loop from today's lecture -- AGM.

11/16/2010: This week only: My office hours and Grigor's office hours are moved from Thursday to Wednesday, 11:30-12:30 (me) or 2-3 (Grigor). (neither of us will hold office hours on Thursday, this week only)

11/16/2010: Reminder: Quiz 4 will be given in lecture on Thursday 11/18 starting at 09:30. It will cover chapters 21.7 through 22.4 (up through what we covered in lecture today). Same drill as before: you bring a scantron (X-101864-PAR only) and pencils, your 3-digit exam code number, one 3'x5' index card on which to write equations, and a calculator.

11/04/2010: The grades for quiz 3 have been posted; visit the 'Quiz Grades' link above. Please check the solutions (available via the 'Quiz Solutions' link) carefully! Remember, the final exam is cumulative, and there is a very high probability that many of the concepts/questions tested on the quizzes will be re-visited on the final exam! So come to our office hours if there are any concepts you need help with!

11/02/2010: Since the lab this week deals with Kirchoff's rules for complex circuits (section 21.8), but I haven't gotten to it in lecture yet, I've placed a temporary copy of my ppt slides on the topic, including an example problem, HERE (.pdf) . We'll cover it in lecture Thursday 11/4. -- agm

10/28/2010: Reminder: Quiz 3 will be given in lecture on Tuesday 11/2 starting at 09:30. It will cover chapters 20.7 through 21.6. Same drill as before: you bring a scantron (X-101864-PAR only) and pencils, your 3-digit exam code number, one 3'x5' index card on which to write equations, and a calculator.

10/20/2010: Grigor's office hour this Thursday only (10/21/2010) is rescheduled to Friday (10/22/2010) 2-3pm.

10/20/2010: Quiz 2 grades and solutions are now posted. Please check the solutions carefully so you can understand what you got wrong and identify concepts you might need help with, and come to our office hours for help.

10/18/2010: Please take a brief survey on discussion/problem session at by the end of week 5 (Sunday, October 31st). Any comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated and taken into account by the TA for the rest of the quarter.

10/14/2010: Effective Monday, 10/18, the Monday evening problem/discussion section will meet in 2005 Warren Lecture Hall.

10/14/2010: Quiz 2 will occur in lecture on Tuesday, Oct. 19, from 09:30 to 10:15. It will cover section 19.10 through example 20.7 on page 659 in Section 20.7. Relevant homework problems are ch 19: 38 44 46 48; ch 20: 1-4, 7, 10 13 17 22 62 28 29 31 35. Like last time, you are to bring a scantron (use form X-101864-PAR, the half-sheet red form, only!), no. 2 pencils, 3'x5' index card for notes (we supply constants but you supply all equations), scientific calculator. Please arrive on time! IF YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR 3-DIGIT EXAM CODE, PLEASE CONTACT GRIGOR NOW!

10/07/2010: Grades for Quiz 1 are now available via the "Quiz Grades" link above. Solutions to Quiz 1 are available via the 'Quiz Solutions' link above.

09/30/2010: REMINDER: Quiz 1 will be given in lecture, next Tuesday, Oct 5, from 09:30 to 10:15, after which point we'll continue with the lectures. It will cover all material given in lecture up through today's (9/30) lecture: this includes sections 19.1 through 19.10 (including examples 19.9 & 19.12, but not examples 19.10 & 19.11). You must bring scantron forms (use form X-101864-PAR-L, the half-sheet red form, only!) and number-2 pencils! You may bring a scientific calculator and one 3'x5' index card for notes and equations -- you bring the equations; we'll supply the constants (mp, me, ke, etc.) No laptops, cell phones, iPhones, or other notes. Bring your current UCSD photo I.D. Please arrive as early as possible -- we need to distribute exam code forms (where you'll get your 3-digit exam code number).

09/30/2010: The Physics Dept. has sent a couple copies of the textbook to the library; they may be available to students starting Monday.

09/23/2010: The first problem session will meet Monday Sept. 27, 6 p.m. in 2622 York Hall.

09/22/2010: The course syllabus is HERE (.pdf) -- it contains all the information on the course logistics and procedures, textbook, quizzes, final exam (which is on THURSDAY (not Fri.) 12/9), items to bring to the exams, grading policy, exam code numbers, the Physics Tutorial Center, the planned lecture schedule, and assigned homework problems.