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University of California San Diego, Department of Physics
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Fall 2007 Physics 4C Webpage
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Welcome to Physics 4C, Electricity and Magnetism, Fall 2007

The goal of this course is that by the end of it you understand throughly the following famous statement and its implications:
"The value of v was determined by measuring the electromotive force with which a condenser of known capacity was charged, and then discharging the condenser through a galvanometer, so as to measure the quantity of electricity in it in electromagnetic measure. The only use made of light in the experiment was to see the instruments. The value of V found by M. Foucault was obtained by determining the angle through which a revolving mirror turned, while the light reflected from it went and returned along a measured course. No use whatever was made of electricity or magnetism..."
Assignment 1: find out who wrote that statement and where


Course Materials:

Course Information:

Lectures: MWF, 10-10:50am, WLH 2205 ; Tu, 2-2:50, Sequ 148
Quizzes: F, 10-10:50, WLH 2205.
Discussion: W, 4-4:50, Solis 110
Problems: Th, 5-6:50, CSB 004.

Course Text: E.M. Purcell, Electricity & Magnetism Vol 2, 2nd Edition

Course Description: See General Catalog
Final exam: Friday December 14, 8am-11am,WLH2205.

Instructor and TA Information -

Instructor: Jorge E. Hirsch, 5310 Mayer Hall, Ext. 4-3931, e-mail: jhirsch@ucsd.edu
                     Office Hours: Th 11-12 or by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Reza Farsian, rfarsian@physics.ucsd.edu
                                     Office Hours: Tue 12:30-2, Mayer Hall 3325.

General Information

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