Welcome to Physics 4E, Quantum Physics, Spring 2020


Course Materials:

Course Information:

Lectures: M, 5-5:50pm; Tu, Th 11-12:20pm
Quizzes: some Mondays (see Course Schedule), 5-5:50pm. Attendance required.
Discussion: W 4-4:50pm
Problems: Th 5:30-7 pm
Final exam: Tue 6/9, 11:30am-2:30pm

Course Text: Serway, Moses, Moyer, Modern Physics, Third Edition (2005).
Course Description: See General Catalog

Instructor and TA Information -

Instructor: Jorge Hirsch, Ext. 4-3931, e-mail: jhirsch@ucsd.edu
                     Office Hours: M 2-3 pm, F 2-3 pm. Join by clicking link in Canvas page.

Teaching Assistant: Ahmed Akhtar, a1akhtar@ucsd.edu
                                     Office Hour: Tu 3:30-4:30 pm. Join by clicking link in Canvas page.

Grader: Viraj Sanghvi, vsanghvi@ucsd.edu
Grader: Ben Schocket-Greene, bschocke@ucsd.edu

Course Format

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Problems from the book will be assigned every week, solutions will be posted on the web page. To fully understand the material, you should work most of the problems on your own without help of the solution key. The homeworks will not be graded.
QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given on alternate Mondays (five quizzes), see Course Schedule. In addition, there will be a Quiz 0 (for extra credit) on Mon April 6, 5 pm. There will be lectures on the other Mondays. There will be no make-up quizzes. If you anticipate you will need to miss a quiz due to unavoidable circumstances and bring it up with the instructor beforehand and the instructor agrees the circumstances are unavoidable, that quiz will not count and the final will count 10% more.
FINAL EXAM: There will be an in-class final exam on finals week.
COURSE GRADE: The five quizzes will count for 50% of the course grade (10% each), the final exam will count for 50% of the course grade.
Grading scale (approximate): A: >80 %, B: >60%, C: >40%, D: >30%.

General Information