Propagates the validity of positions.
#include <dx/dx.h>
Object DXInvalidateConnections(Object object)
Functional Details Propagates the validity of positions within the Fields of object to the connections, faces, or polylines. The validity of the positions is determined from the contents of the "invalid positions" component. A connections, faces, or polylines element will be invalidated if any of its constituent positions are invalid. An "invalid" connections, faces, or polylines component will be created if necessary. If there is no "invalid positions" component, if none of the positions are invalid, or if there is no "connections," "faces," or "polylines," component, there will be no change to object.
To invalidate positions that become unreferenced because of the action of DXInvalidateConnections, use DXInvalidateUnreferencedPositions. To remove invalidated connections, faces, or polylines (and positions), use DXCull.
Return Value
Returns the updated Object or returns NULL and sets an error code.
See Also
DXCull, DXInvalidateUnreferencedPositions