You may want to write a stand-alone program which directly uses Data Explorer modules. You would link to the libDXcallm.a library, and use DXCallModule to call individual Data Explorer. In this case, as with the previous one, your stand-alone program "owns main". Note that you can do complete visualization programs in this way, from Import to Isosurface to Display from within your own program. However, you will not be getting the functionality of the Data Explorer Executive in this case, including cache management, and control of execution order. You will, in addition, be responsible for deleting objects when you are finished using them. Note that with the SuperviseWindow and SuperviseState modules (see SuperviseWindow and SuperviseState in IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference), direct manipulation within the Image window is available without the Image tool, so that a program using DXCallModule can provide direct interaction with objects.
Examples of stand-alone programs including .c files and makefiles which use the CallModule library can be found in /usr/local/dx/samples/callmodule. Graphically, this is represented by the lower "User Program" in Figure 1, which embeds Data Explorer module routines into the user's program.