University of California San Diego, Department of Physics
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Winter 2011 Physics 2D Webpage
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Welcome to Physics 2D, Relativity and Quantum Physics, Winter 2011

You will learn many new physical concepts in this course that will challenge your intuition and spark your imagination. How can identical twins age at vastly different rates? How does mass get converted into energy, and energy into mass? How can particles behave as waves, and waves behave as particles? These strange things happen when speeds become much faster and/or distances much smaller than the speeds and distances we encounter in our everyday experience. As you become familiar with these new concepts they will become progressively less strange and more fascinating.

To do well in this course it is important to attend the lectures, discussion and problem sessions, pay attention during them, ask questions when you don't understand, and take notes. Also, to work on the problem assignments every week, to come to office hours especially if you are falling behind, and to read the textbook often as well as other books on reserve. Also, to refresh your memory on the classical physics you have learned in previous courses (see link below). Also, to check this webpage often.


Course Materials:

Course Information:

Lectures: MWF, 2-2:50pm, YORK 2622 ; Tu, 5-5:50pm, Leddn Aud (HSS 2250)
Quizzes: some Fridays, 2-2:50pm, YORK 2622 (see Course and Quiz Schedule above)
Discussion: Wed 7pm-7:50pm, CENTR 115
Problems: Thu 8pm-9:50pm, CNTR 214

Course Text: Serway, Moses, Moyer, Modern Physics, Third Edition (2005).
Serway book website

Course Description: See General Catalog
Final exam: Monday, March 14th, 3 - 6 pm, York 2622

Instructor and TA Information -

Instructor: Jorge E. Hirsch, 5310 Mayer Hall, Ext. 4-3931, e-mail: jhirsch@ucsd.edu
                     Office Hours: Th 10:30-12 or by appointment.
                     5310 Mayer Hall is near southwest corner of building, outside balcony
Teaching Assistant: Joe Salamon, e-mail: jsalamon@ucsd.edu
             Office Hours: Tue 11-12 , Physics Tutorial Center (PTC). TA is at PTC also on Mon 4-6. Location: Mayer Hall Addition 2702

General Information

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