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University of California San Diego, Department of Physics
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Spring 2009 Physics 4E Webpage
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Welcome to Physics 4E, Quantum Physics, Spring 2009


Course Materials:

Course Information:

Lectures: MWF, 11-11:50am, WLH 2114 ; Tu, 4:00-4:50pm, WLH 2110
Quizzes: F, 11-11:50, WLH 2114.
Discussion: W, 7-7:50, Centr 204
Problems: Th, 6:30-8:20 pm, Centr 204
Course Text: Tipler and Llewellyn, Modern Physics, 5th Edition
Text website: http://bcs.whfreeman.com/tiplermodernphysics5e/
Course Description: See General Catalog

Instructor and TA Information -

Instructor: Jorge Hirsch, 5310 Mayer Hall, Ext. 4-3931, e-mail: jhirsch@ucsd.edu
                     Office Hour: Th 10:30-12

Teaching Assistant: Aris Alexandradinata, aralexan@ucsd.edu
                                     Office Hour: Mondays 2-3, Mayer Hall 5301 (April 6 only)

Course Format

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Problems from the book will be assigned every week, solutions will be posted on the web page . To fully understand the material, you should work most of the problems on your own without help of the solution key. Homeworks will not be graded.
QUIZZES: Closed-book quizzes will be given on alternate Fridays, the first one on April 10. There will be lectures on the other Fridays. There will be no make-up quizzes.
COURSE GRADE will be computed from the average of the 5 quizzes (50%) and the (closed book) final exam (50%). If you need to miss a quiz due to unavoidable circumstances AND notify the instructor beforehand, it will not be counted and the final exam will count 10% more.

General Information