Physics 2D, Fall 2009, Reading ahead assignments

Modern physics is firmly rooted in classical physics. To fully grasp the new material it is important that you refresh your knowledge of the related topics that you learned in previous courses. Please read ahead the following items to prepare for the topics for each week. The numbers indicated between () refer to the sections or pages in the textbook by Wolfson and Pasachoff (WP), Physics, Third Edition. If you have a different text (eg Halliday-Resnick) find the equivalent sections by looking up keywords in the alphabetical index in the back of the textbook.

For Week1 (Relativity I), read ahead about:

For Week2 (Relativity II), read ahead about:

For Week3 (Quantization), read ahead about:

For Week4 (The nuclear atom), read ahead about:

For Week5/6 (Matter waves), read ahead about:

For Week7,8 (Schrodinger equation), read ahead about:

For Week9, 10 (Atomic physics), read ahead about: